Are you looking for something to do in Englewood? EMC has a calendar full of activities for all ages. Everyone is invited to join the fun!

Englewood Methodist Men
Country Breakfasts

Dates: 2024-25 Season: Saturdays, Nov.23, Dec. 7 & 21, Jan. 4 & 18, Feb. 1 & 15, Mar. 1, 15, & 29
Time: 7:30 – 11:00am
Cost: $10.00, children under 12 eat free!
Location: EMC Fellowship Hall

Hot breakfasts include all-you-can-eat pancakes, and choice of egg & sausage or biscuits & sausage gravy or quiche & fresh fruit. Each served with choice of orange juice or bottomless cup of coffee or tea. All proceeds fund local college scholarships and various missions, local and abroad. Everyone is welcome!

First breakfast of the month will feature a large variety of handmade items for purchase. Offered by the Englewood Methodist’s Women’s Creative Workshop.

EMC Concert Series

We are excited to announce that we are partnering with Englewood Performing Arts Series
to promote excellence in live musical performance for the greater Englewood community.

2025 Colossal Annual Rummage Sale

Dates & Times:

  • Thursday, Feb 20, Presale 3:00pm-6:00pm
  • Friday, February 21, 9:00am-3:00pm
  • Saturday, February 22, 9:00am-12:00 noon

Englewood Methodist Church Fellowship Hall & Grounds


  • Thursday, Presale entrance fee
  • Friday & Saturday, no entrance fee

Our Annual Colossal Rummage Sale has been part of our EMW and EMM fund raisers for over 30 years. All proceeds go to the community in the form of scholarships or to local organizations who help persons in need such as Meals-on-Wheels, Englewood Community Clinic and Habitat.  Items are collected and sorted year round.  It takes over 500 volunteers and a week in February every year to pull it off.  If you would like to be a part of our army of volunteers who, sort, pack, move furniture, sell items, set up, clean up, etc., please call the church office.