Disciple III

Dates: Tuesdays, beginning September 3
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: Room 106
Facilitated by: John Ruthman
In-Person & Zoom Class
The Disciple series is a highly recommended, in depth Bible study course. Disciple III Remember Who You Are concentrates on Old Testament Prophets and the letters of Paul. This course is 32 classes long and require 6 days of homework and a weekly 2 hour class. You must take Disciple I first, but the rest can be taken in any order. If you have taken Disciple I, you know the investment is worth the return!
This time of year we begin registration for classes. If you have questions, contact Joyce Doyle in the church office, 941-474-5588, ext. 261 or joyce@englewoodmethodist.com. Workbooks are $40, but scholarships are available for anyone who needs one.
Booking Form
Registrations are closed for this event.