Giving Opportunities
Englewood Methodist Church
We are so grateful for your desire to donate to Englewood Methodist Church. Simply click the “Donate” icon below and the donation process will begin. A few times a year we give the opportunity to donate to a specific ministry such as Family Promise at Easter or the Children’s Home on 5th Sundays. If you wish to give to those special offerings, there will be an option to “Add Special Instructions to Recipient” where you can note that is where you wish this donation to go. You may also use this box for any other instructions you may have. Offerings are recorded by name and an envelope number is no longer needed. Once again, thank you.
Should you experience any difficulties with your online donation, please call the church office at 941.474.5588 or email
Sponsor a Child at Foundations
$160.00 is the average cost of tuition per week at Foundations. Sponsoring a child for one week a year makes it possible for us to keep tuition affordable for many of the families who need our services.
Residing Hope
Located in Enterprise, Florida, this children’s home strives to create wholeness in children and families through Jesus Christ. The children live in 14 individual homes with dedicated house parents. Some of them are orphaned, but most are there due to abuse or the breakdown of their family. Over 70% of their annual budget comes from supporting churches.