Englewood Methodist Men

The Englewood Methodist Men (EMM) offers members of the church and community an opportunity to meet on a regular basis to celebrate fellowship, stewardship and Christ in our lives.
We meet year-round on Monday mornings, currently in Room 103 of the Admin building for a devotional message and an interesting program. While Fellowship Hall is being repaired, you are welcome to bring your own breakfast and coffee. Our meetings begin at 8:00 am every Monday.
EMM sponsors and participates in numerous programs and services to benefit the church and community. We are currently continuing our scholarship and other outreach programs but on a reduced scale.
Membership is open to any man in the community. Come join us.
Englewood Methodist Women
Our Englewood Methodist Women’s group is a supportive and enjoyable fellowship of women who support numerous local and global missions. Monthly Unit, and smaller Circle, meetings include enlightening, informative and entertaining programs, volunteering opportunities and a business meeting. Our two major fundraisers: The Christmas Craft Bazaar in November and the Colossal Rummage Sale each February, assist us in supporting our missions and providing scholarships to graduating high schools seniors. All women are welcomed. For the current EMW contact person, please call the Church office at 941-474-5588.
Wingman Nation

Dates: Weekly on Thursdays
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Room 106, administration building
A ministry to help men connect with other men, support each other through life’s challenges, and equip them to be the men God created them to be. An evening of food and fellowship for the men of Englewood Methodist Church and the Englewood community. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Be on your guard. Stand firm in your faith. Be brave, strong and men of courage. Do everything in love.
Wednesday Night Dinners
Wednesday Night Dinners are suspended until repairs are made to Fellowship Hall, target date in September.
Once they resume:
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 4:30 – 6:00
Location: Fellowship Hall
Cost: $10 estimated cost per adult meal, children and youth eat free
Come join us for a time of fellowship! A different meal is prepared each week and includes the meal, drink and dessert. After dinner you are invited to stay and join one of the groups, classes or activities we offer year-round, including pastor-led Bible studies; short term classes, special events and services. Call the church office for this week’s offerings! 941-474-5588
Creative Workshop
Creative Workshop meets every Wednesday from 8:00 am-noon in Fellowship Hall* where they make home made crafts to sell at the EMC’s Christmas Bazaar and at the Country Breakfasts on Saturdays. This is a wonderful time of fellowship for men and women of all ages. All supplies to complete projects are furnished. You do not need to be artistically talented. There is something for everyone! * While Fellowship Hall is being repaired through the summer of 2024, Creative Workshop will not be meeting. The group will be meeting monthly at a local restaurant for fellowship. Please call the church office if you would like to join them. Craft Workshop will resume as soon as the Fellowship Hall construction is complete.
Christmas Rummage Sale

Date: Saturday, December 14
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm
Location: Englewood Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall
Come shop gently used and affordably priced Christmas items. On sale will be Christmas trees, wreaths, lights, indoor and outdoor decorations, Christmas clothing and linens. and so much more! This sale is more than selling merchandise, the proceeds support many ministries and it is also a lot of fun! Come join us!
2025 Colossal Annual Rummage Sale
Dates & Times:
- Thursday, Feb 20, Presale 3:00pm-6:00pm
- Friday, February 21, 9:00am-3:00pm
- Saturday, February 22, 9:00am-12:00 noon
Englewood Methodist Church Fellowship Hall & Grounds
- Thursday, Presale entrance fee
- Friday & Saturday, no entrance fee
Our Annual Colossal Rummage Sale has been part of our EMW and EMM fund raisers for over 30 years. All proceeds go to the community in the form of scholarships or to local organizations who help persons in need such as Meals-on-Wheels, Englewood Community Clinic and Habitat. Items are collected and sorted year round. It takes over 500 volunteers and a week in February every year to pull it off. If you would like to be a part of our army of volunteers who, sort, pack, move furniture, sell items, set up, clean up, etc., please call the church office.
Englewood Methodist Men
Country Breakfasts
Dates: 2024-25 Season: Saturdays, Nov.23, Dec. 7 & 21, Jan. 4 & 18, Feb. 1 & 15, Mar. 1, 15, & 29
Time: 7:30 – 11:00am
Cost: $10.00, children under 12 eat free!
Location: EMC Fellowship Hall
Hot breakfasts include all-you-can-eat pancakes, and choice of egg & sausage or biscuits & sausage gravy or quiche & fresh fruit. Each served with choice of orange juice or bottomless cup of coffee or tea. All proceeds fund local college scholarships and various missions, local and abroad. Everyone is welcome!
First breakfast of the month will feature a large variety of handmade items for purchase. Offered by the Englewood Methodist’s Women’s Creative Workshop.