Music Ministries
Englewood Methodist Church’s music ministries are a central part of who we are, directed by Daniel Trzeciak. The Sanctuary Choir is the primary choir for our 11:00 service. They annually perform Easter and Christmas cantatas which are loved by the community. We also have Voices in Bronze, our handbell choir, a summer choir which includes adults and youth, Rise Up Voices vocal ensemble that sings monthly at the 8:00 service, and an annual concert series that showcases local and national talents. We also have instrumentalist, orchestras, and soloists performing on Sundays and for special services. Rich Church directs Fusion by Fire, our contemporary worship band. This praise team leads the congregation in worship on Sundays at 9:30 and at special events and concerts throughout the year.
EMC Concert Series
We are excited to announce that we are partnering with Englewood Performing Arts Series
to promote excellence in live musical performance for the greater Englewood community.

Traditional Music Ministry

Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary Choir is the primary worship choir for our 11:00a.m. worship service. This choir also prepares and shares Christmas and Easter cantatas, as well as thematic concerts during the fall and spring seasons. Rehearsals in the fall, winter and spring seasons are on Thursdays at 7:00p.m. in the Williamson Music Suite. New singers are always welcome! For information, contact Daniel Trzeciak at the church office at 941.474.5588, Ext. 269,
Rise Up Voices
This group of volunteers sings the first Sunday of the month, at the 8:00a.m. worship service. They gather in the Sanctuary at 7:15a.m. prior to the service. The anthems usually consist of a familiar hymn. If you like to sing, this is a great opportunity to bring special music to the early service. All are welcome. For information, contact Daniel Trzeciak at the church office at 941.474.5588, ext. 269,
Summer Choir
We would love to have some new voices while many of our northerners are gone for the summer. All rehearsals are on Thursday at 7:00p.m. in the Williamson Music Suite. During the summer months, the adults are joined by middle and high school students as they share their music at the 11:00a.m. worship services. This is a great time to “try out the choir” to see if you would like to be a part of this wonderful group during the ‘season’. Additional voices are always welcome! For information, contact Daniel Trzeciak at the church office at 941.474.5588, ext. 269,
Voices In Bronze
The Voices in Bronze Handbell Choir is a group of musicians who enjoy ringing and making music together on a 5 1/2 octave set of Malmark Handbells. The choir also plays a 4 1/2 octave set of Malmark Handchimes, and will often combine the two different instruments in special musical pieces. This choir rehearses on Thursdays at 4pm, at Williamson Music Suite, and plays monthly for worship, at Christmas and Easter, and special concerts throughout the year. New ringers are always welcome. For information, contact Daniel Trzeciak at the church office at 941.474.5588, ext. 269,
“Fusion by Fire” Praise Team

Rich Church, Director
The 9:30 am Contemporary Worship Service is a great service for all ages. Young and old love the Contemporary singing. EMC has a great “Praise Team” that leads the congregation in worship, along with our pastors. Fusion by Fire practices each week in the Sanctuary. The Team is open by audition to high school age and above. If you have talent in singing, or if you play an instrument and would like to join this group, please contact Rich at 941.474.5588 to audition.
To volunteer in any of these music ministries, please contact Daniel Trzeciak or Rich Church through the office at 941-474-5588.