Weekly Programs

IGNITE Student Ministries

Sunday’s (5:00-7:00pm)

In Room 200, upstairs in the Education Building

Come and play crazy games, sing and dance to awesome music, and most importantly worship Jesus!

We would love to have you join us on Sunday!
EVERYONE Grades 5th-12th is WELCOME!

Let’s Connect

Connect with Ignite Student Ministries

Our Youth are actively involved in the life of our church. We would love for you to come worship with us. Please contact the Director of Family Ministries, Beth-Ann Smolinski at 941-474-5588, ext. 258 to get involved.


Please complete the following forms for each student so that we can keep in touch with you:

  1. Youth Info Sheet
  2. Covenant of Conduct Form
  3. Emergency Contact Information – Parental Consent – Medical Authorization Form

Also, if you are a parent or you are a student and have a Facebook page, follow the link to the EMC Youth Facebook page and join.