Description: We need to be enthusiastic in our pursuit of God. There are those who let their environment influence their enthusiasm; those who let their enthusiasm influence their environment.
STAY POSITIVE - I’m Optimistic
April 16, 2023 | Pastor Dan Prine
Scripture: Proverbs 11:27
STAY POSITIVE - I’m Grateful
April 23, 2023 | Pastor Bo Sim
Scripture: Luke 17:11-18
STAY POSITIVE - I’m Encouraging
April 30, 2023 | Pastor Dan Prine
Scripture: Hebrews 10:24-25
STAY POSITIVE - I’m Generous
May 7, 2023 | Pastor Don Burlock
STAY POSITIVE - I’m Enthusiastic
May 14, 2023 | Pastor Dan Prine
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:57-58