Date: Sunday, October 24, 2021
Time: 5:00 – 7:00pm
Location: EMC parking lot, Education Building side
Cost: Free for trick-or-treaters and trunkers
Contact: Beth Ann Smolinski, Director of Family Ministries bethann@englewoodmethodist.com
Deb Parascondola, Director of Children’s Ministries deb@englewoodmethodist.com
Children and families from the community are invited to go trick-or-treating from the trunks of our decorated vehicles! This is a safe and fun way for children to show off their cool costumes. Each vehicle will be entered into a contest for best decorations. Families will vote for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners! To participate as a decorated trunk, please register for free, and bring enough candy for 500 children. You will have an assigned parking spot that you can begin decorating at 4:30pm . Decorate as simply or as elaborately as you like! Trick-or-treating families do not need to register, just come! The Youth Group will be selling hotdogs, snacks and drinks as a Mission trip fundraiser .
Booking Form
Registrations are closed for this event.