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Using several Biblical personalities, we will learn how seeming ‘underdogs’ have so often been used by God to bring glory to God! We will see how the obedience of Daniel, the forgiveness of Joseph in the Old Testament, the trust of the paralyzed man at the pool of Bethesda and the patience of Jesus himself lifts ‘underdog status’ to great heights. The four sessions will be held at 6:30 PM on the following Wednesdays and run for approximately 1 hour:
Feb. 24 – Obedience of Daniel (Led by Pastor Bo)
Mar. 3 – Forgiveness of Joseph (Led by Pastor Vic)
Mar. 10 – Trust of Paralyzed man at Pool of Bethesda (Led by Pastor Bo)
Mar. 24 – Patience of Jesus (Led by Pastor Vic)
These sessions will be offered both in person in the sanctuary with masks and social distancing and on Zoom. Each session will incorporate the writings of Beth Richardson and her study, “Walking In The Wilderness.” If you are wanting to participate via Zoom, you will be given the Zoom invitation in an email on February 23. You may also purchase the study book by Richardson in the church office or in room 103 after church on Sundays.
Come, be encouraged in your own faith-walk as an “underdog.”
Booking Form
Registrations are closed for this event.